GP Extended Hours
Extended Hours Access at the Surgery
Chadwell Heath Surgery currently offers extended hours access to all our patients from 08:00 – 13:00 every Saturday.
As per NHS England guidelines, a new enhanced access model of care is to be delivered by the Primary Care Networks (PCN) from 1st October 2022. This model is designed to ensure that GP practices can offer enhanced access to patients outside of core hours i.e. 08:00 – 18:30 including evenings and on Saturdays.
Enhanced Access Service - Seven Kings GP Alliance
Chadwell Heath Surgery is part of Seven Kings GP Alliance which is a PCN consisting of eight member practices within Redbridge. As a PCN, we have been working tirelessly to develop a model specifically tailored to the needs of our patients, with aview to delivera high standard of care which is conveniently and consistently available to all our patients.
Our aim is to provide convenient access to GP services outside of core practice hours whilst reducing any health inequalities our patients may be experiencing.
We have been consulting with patients to ensure that plans being proposed meet their needs as we are sincerely aiming for a patient centred model. Details of the proposal are as follows:
Monday to Friday: 18:30-20:00
Saturday: 09:00-17:00
Seven Kings Health Centre-Main Site
The Palms Medical Centre- 1 Saturday each month (TBC)
The model being proposed will see services being provided by a diverse team of clinicians including but not limited to GP’s, nurses, HCA’s, clinical pharmacists and first contact physiotherapists.
Appointments will be bookable consultations available up to 2 weeks in advance and will be delivered via different modes i.e. a mix of face to face, telephone and online appointments. This is to make sure that the extended access service is accessible to all.
We eagerly welcome any feedback or suggestions. Please email any comments to: